there are 3 different boards now. and the nest and the bump have switched their lay outs. So my how to guide is a wee bit out dated. So I'm going to use the nest as a reference point. but because both are run pretty much the same, the steps will all be the same. so follow along, and if you get lost don't be afraid to ask questions. I'm more than willing to help.

I’m not changing the older entries because the knot, has the old format. so that way if you're using the guide for the knot, it should still all work out for you. again, don't hesitate to ask questions

Knot - Nest - Bump

Knot - Nest - Bump

Thursday, January 31, 2008

coloring your text

where it says "rotty" you can type what ever you want between the ] and [

. [**color=red]rotty[**/color] .
. [**color=yellow]rotty[**/color] .
. [**color=pink]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=green]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=orange]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=purple]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=blue]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=beige]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=brown]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=teal]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=navy]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=aquarmarine]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=maroon]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=skyblue]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=silver]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=tan]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=grey]rotty[/color**]

Leave the spaces and period but take out the **

Faces and Characters

keep the [ ] but take out the * unless other wise told

[a*] = angel
[b*] = beer
[c*] = coffee
[d*] = drink?
[e*] = envelop
[g*] = gift
[h*] = dude w/ shades (hot?)
[i*] = lightbulb (idea)
[n*] = thumbs down (no)
[o*] = clock
[s*] = moon (sleep?)
[u*] = broken heart
[w*] = wilted flower
[y*]= thumbs up (yes)
[z*] = lump
[6*] = devil
[8*] = music note
[ap*] - airplane
[au*] - automobile
[co*] - computer
[ip*] - island with palm tree
[li*] - lightning
[mo*] - money
[pi*] - pizza
[sn*] - snail
[st*] - stormy
[um*] - umbrella
[^*] - birthday cake
[~*] - movie reel
[{*] - left hug
[}*]- right hug
[*---] - dot (i can't use a * to break up the code because a * is part of the code take out the---)
[:)*] - ? in a balloon
[:d*] - ! in a balloon
[:o*] - surprise balloon
[:p*] - G in a balloon
[;)*] - Winking
[:(*] - Sad
[:s*] - tongue tied
[:*] - indifferent
[:'(*] - crying
[:$*] - embarrassed
[:@*] - Angry
[:-*~~~] - secret (take out the ~~~)
[8-*] - nerd
[+o(*] - sick
[8o*] - mean face
[8-)*] - rolling eyes
[^o)*] - curious
[:^)*] - hmm
[*-)*] - worried
[-)*] - sleepy

Special Pink Text

So if you've been on the boards long, you've seen people type text that looks like this

* mrs.rotty is really cool

but the question is
how do you get that?

what you type is
/me what you want yourself to say

so my example would be

/me is really cool

hit [ENTER] after text

so its

have fun talking in 3rd person

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Funny pictures

you can moon a board, flash a board, or show a board your imaginary penis!
its pretty funny!

( o Y o )
(.)(.) [a little saggy but its okay]
OO [silicone anyone]

( I )
( )( )
{ } { } [celulite is a great thing!]

; =====> (this one looks like it would hurt)

How to Cuss with out being Sensored

How to Cuss with out being Censored
so the nest/knot ****'s out cuss words
So you have to be creative with your usage and spelling

biitch (2 ii's) = bitch
shiit (2 ii's) = Shit
Fvkk (f-v-k-k) = Fuck
cvnt (c-v-n-t) = cunt
asss (extra S) = ass (duh)

you can also put words together
mother fucking cock whore jerk isn't allowed
motherfuckingcockwhorejerk IS allowed

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

PM's or Private Messages

The knot/nest has a fairly new system called private messages. which allows you to send messages behind the scenes to one person.

To do this you must be on their 'friends list'

to do this you must click on the persons name and click
"add to my friends"

after you click it

it will switch to "remove from my friends'"

the other person must accept you as their friend

To view your friends or accept a friend.

first - you click on your screen name.

and you'll see this screen pop up

then you need to scroll down to see your friends list
Then you'll see this:

click the view all friends button

that will open up to the next screen

you have 2 options here

the 'friend' option which is the screen it opens up too


the 'message' option

this is where you view your messages from others.

To send a private message

after someone is on your friends list

you can either click their name on the board you are on, or click their name on your friends list

once you click 'Send A private Message'

it will open to this screen

then after this its just like any other email.

you MUST have a subject and a body to send

below the body of the email there is a button that says


hit this and its sent away to the person of your choice.


On the new setup you can PM anyone you want. you dont' have to be friends with them in order to send them a PM

At the end of each persons post you'll see a [contact+] button when you hit that i'll create a drop down menue as you see here:
hit [send private message] and you're good to go.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Most Memorable Quotes

Another word to the wise... becareful what you say, some one some where has a C&P of it!

here are some prime examples....

So who was the birthday party really for?
From: ErinKevin
Date: 10/21/2007 at 1:59 PM
I chose a Tiffany & Co. theme because her older sister got truckloads of Tiffanys crap throughout her 1st year of life & Lauren hasn't gotten a thing! Not fair! I don't want her to grow up with a Jan Brady complex! So, the Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles got the hint & came.

Yeah! My DH brought home batteries!
From: lovebug33
Date: 12/4/2007 at 7:45 PM

Now, I can put batteries in all my annoying Christmas musical things and p!ss DH off for an entire month!

From: cooper_33
Date: 12/4/2007 at 7:46 PM
Or you could use them in a vibrator and completely eliminate any need for him all month.

Dirty Confession...
Date: 1/14/2008 at 10:57 AM

In regards to "losing something" inside of you, I am ashamed to admit I once forgot a tampon inside me before. It just so happened to be right before I met my BF. For about a month it would reek when we had sex and spot brown everywhere. I finally went to the doctors thinking I had an infection and the doctor went to take a look and said "Honey, did you know you had a tampon lodged inside you?" I about died and said "No, but it sure makes a lot of sense now." She got it out for me and god was it disgusting. She sure earned her money that day. Hahaha. I still find it someone funny despite how sick it is. Must be love when my boyfriend stuck around through that phase.

[why oh why would you tell people this?!]

Virgin giving birth...
Date: 1/18/2008 at 5:58 PM

Ok I dont even know if this is the right board for this question but I just want opinions: My 30 something year old sister is a Lesbian, and has been since her college years. She has NEVER been with a man sexually; and plans on getting pregnant next year (AI).. is a vaginal birth even an option being that she is a virgin? or will dr rec a C-Section. Any ideas????
~Anything a man can do, a woman can do better; except something stupid~ Kimora Lee Simmons

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Boards....

so here is a run down on differ ant boards.
like i said, I'm a lurker!

the best advice i could give... LURK BEFORE YOU POST

if you want 'real' wedding advice, stick to the wedding club board or your local.


Planning & Etiquette ...page chad with any invitation wording help (at you're own risk) [known as P&E]
Chit Chat ....if they ask about Brazilian wax don't tell them to shave it all of instead they don't like razor bumps
The Dress
Ceremony Ideas
Reception Ideas
Knottie Library .... a bunch of knot_so and so's... lame
Honeymoon ...great to get advice on any destination most likely if you've heard of the place then someone went there on there honeymoon or vacation and they will give good advice on what to stay away from and what they liked best.
Wedding Day Beauty ... they offer some good advice!
Getting in Shape
Not Engaged (Yet) ... don't get it twisted. most of the girls on here are happily married and would love to tear you apart! they're pretty funny all in all! [this is refereed to NEY]
Wedding Woes ... they try to be snarky and some for the most part are. they tend to keep to them selves. for the most part alright. Don't stray to far though. [also known as WW]
Wedding Recap
Wedding Withdrawal
Advice from Brides ... this used to be the end all be all of the knot. but there was a recent fall out of AFB. Now its some stragglers and a bunch of wedding junk.Its starting to get back to what it used to be though. They're fairly mild now. [known as AFB]
Winter Weddings ...lame
Spring Weddings ...lame
Summer Weddings ...lame
Fall Weddings ....lame

Travel & Romance
Mothers of the Bride & Groom
Nuptial Nightmares
Bridal Party
Customs & Traditions
Destination Weddings
First Dance Songs
Registering & Gifts
Making it Personal
Military Brides
Old, Blue...
Pre-Wedding Parties
Same-Sex Weddings
Second Weddings
Chinese Weddings
Beach Weddings

WEDDING CLUBS.... in general... SUCK! sorry, but its true.


Nest Boards
Married Life ... fast paced, high energy, high snark level! [Also known as ML]
9 to 5
Sex & Romance ...if you have a question about lube and dildos this is the board for you [also known as S&R]
Money Matters ... very helpful place, but not with out its Snarky people. [also known as MM]
Family Matters
Fashion & Beauty
Trouble in Paradise ... this place scares the crap out of me. so much drama, so little room. enter at your own risk [also known as TIP]
Health & Fitness
Pets ... good information, but don't give more information then needed. one sign of weakness and you're done for!
Babies on the Brain ...all babies all the time. loads of snark so think before you post [also known as BOTB]
Buying a Home
Decorating & Renovating ... very cool board. down to earth neat girls!
Cleaning & Organizing ...Very helpful
What's for Dinner? ... great ideas!
Military Newlyweds ....no comment
Entertaining Ideas
Intl. Newlyweds
The Nest Book Club
Same-Sex Households
Election 2008 ...very cool board to lurk on! I've learned some things i don't think i would have been exposed to other wise
BNOTB .... coolest board EVER.
Gardening & Landscaping

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Nesting Etiquette

This was posted by a group of girls on BNOTB today. i thought it was appropriate. Honestly take everything said on our board or any with a grain of salt. It is hard to take what is said in the right context because its online.

1. Unless I put all CAPS than I am not yelling at you.

2. Just beacuse you are having an emotional/bad day doesn't mean everyone else is. So dont read into every post like someone's out to get you. We all have different senses of humor. Just because you read it wrong doesn't make us bitchy or crabby...maybe it's you! :)
#2 addendum - asking someone if they are in a 'mood' is not a polite way to ask if they're on the rag or if they're in a bitchy mood. it makes you look condesending and dumb.

3. If someone doesn't respond to your post right away than chances are they are actually working or busy NOT that they are avoiding you but they might possibly be.
#3 addendum - if you post something during the high point of the day and you get no responses, it is because no one cares, so don't re-post it a few hours later.

4. Don't criticize people by their spelling/grammar, sometimes we're busy and don't catch it before we post b/c we're at work, etc

5.don't post a "newbie" thread, then never come back

6. we welcome all new people with open arms on our board. but honestly please don't post a poll or ask about our baby choices. get to know us first. you'll learn through the grape vine and many other posts how we feel. We have all different types, so don't assume we're all baby haters.

Acronym Dictionary

I make no claim to these being all of my own findings.
The majority are from the Frequently Used Nestie Lingo List and others are culled from other Nesties.

AE: Alter Ego
AW: Attention Whore
BC, BCP: Birth Control, Birth Control Pills
BF :Breast Fed
**BF: Butt Fucking
**BF: Best Friend
**BF: Boy Friend
BTW: By The Way
C&P: Copy and Paste
DD: Dirty Delete
DH: Darling Husband
DIAF: Die in a fire
DC: Darling Child
DD: Darling Daughter
DQ: Drama Queen
DS: Darling Son
DTJ: Dirty Thread Jacker
DTS: Dirty Thunder Stealer
FI: Fiance
FIL: Father-In-Law
FOAD: Fuck off and die
FWIW: For What Its Worth
FYI: For Your Information
GBCK: Good Bye Cruel Knot
GBCN: Good Bye Cruel Nest
GBC__: Good Bye Cruel -insert board name here-
GF: Girlfriend
GTG: Nestie Get Together
HTH: Hope This Helps or Happy to help
IHO: In Honor Of
ILs: In-Laws
IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO: In My Not So Humble Opinion
JK: Just Kidding/Joking
JP: Justice of the Peace
LIP: Link in Post
LMAO: Laughing My Ass Off
LOL: Laughing Out Loud
MIL: Mother-In-Law
MUD: Made-Up Drama
NFT: No Further Text
NH: New Husband
NMS: Not My Style
NSFW: Not Safe For Work
NWS: Not Work Safe
OMG: Oh My God!
OOT: Out of Town
PIB: Pictures In Bio
PIP: Picture In Post
PITA: Pain In The Ass
PP: Previous Post
PSA: Public Service Announcement
RP: Repost
ROTFL: Rolling On The Floor Laughing
SAHM: Stay-At-Home Mom
SAHW: Stay-At-Home Wife
SAHD: Stay-At-Home Dad
S/O: Speaking Of or Spin Off
TIA: Thanks In Advance
TMI: Too Much Information
TTC: Trying To Conceive
T-TTC: Trouble Trying To Conceive
TY: Thank You
WTF: What the Fuck?
WTH: What the Hell?
WW: Work Warning
YWIA: Your Welcome In Advance

(this entry will be updated with new suggestions)

Photo and link in posts

Photos & Links in Posts

To put a photo in to your post:
. [img**]TINY URL HERE[/img**] .

A quick way to post a photo with out this code.
using Tiny url.
once you make it into a tiny url
there is a little blue linke that says 'open in new window'
Click that link
the window will open showing your picture
right click on the picture
and click copy
go back to your knot/nest window
and right click in the window
click paste
your picture should show up with out the code
(quick easy and simple)

To put links in to your post:
. [url**]TINY URL HERE[/url**] .
(again with out the **)

after you put a tiny url in the post to make it live you need to push the space bar.
Because the knot/nest is really weird and has odd formatting. sometimes these codes don't work out. I include a period and a space to help make the code stay whole. I also add a line between the text and the image. it sometimes helps

text text text



it helps me. Good luck. Don't get discouraged if you don't get it right away. it takes some practice

In the new format they make this SO much easier.

this is what the blank form looks like

all you have to do is click the little tree icon next to the smiley face

have the URL ready for the picture you want to post (it doesn't have to be a tiny url can be a long one)
It'll bring up this:

Paste the image URL into the first box. [Tab] down to the Dimension boxes they should automatically show up. if not wait a few seconds. they'll show.
hit [insert].
you can resize the image by dragging the image by the corners to make it fit.

Monday, January 7, 2008


How to add stuff into your siggy

you will need to put the picture you want on Photobucket or something like that for your siggy.then you will need to put it into tiny url. Siggy's don't like big urls. Then this is the code you need.

< **img width=200 src="Tiny URL here" border="1" /*** >

(with out the ***)
you can adust the width to resize the picture to a desent size. 200 seems to work good for me.

If you want to have to pictures but want one on top of the other than you need to place
between your codes.

in my siggy i have multible links. I break up the codes by placing ( - - ) in between the codes. the dashes don't contribute to the link but allow people to tell the differance.

Links in the siggy
you'll need to Tiny Url your code here too. then use the following code:
<**a href="TINY URL HERE" target=_new"** >My Link<*/a**>
(again with out the **)

Ticker Factory
Probably the most common one used
once you make it, they will give you a code.
but that code into tinyurl.com
you have to make it a tinyurl or your siggy won't take it right.
Use this code after making the tiny url <*img src="tinyurl here">
or you can try <*img src="tinyurl goes here"**>cut out the Http:// part and just past the tinyurl

Personally I like ticker factory the best because there is no need to sign in or anything like that.
Any who, after you are done making your ticker it will give you 3 codes -
one for HTML, one for bbCode, one for ezCode. use the one for HTML.
The entire code will look like this
<***a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/"**><**img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/d/4;10716;105/st/20080214/e/another+useless+date/k/ec4a/event.png"**><***/a>

The part of the code that I put in bold is what you want to take and tiny url it.
Once you have your tiny url, then put this into your sig line.
<***img src="http://www.tinyurl.com/xxxxx"**>
obviously you are going to enter your own Tinyurl link.
To enter more than one ticker you need to put in each tiny url into the code above.
You can separate the two by inserting
between each code.

Sunday, January 6, 2008



bios are simply tricky.
they're not that hard... but if you don't know where to start it can be hard.
the easies one to use is STL wed Bio Builder
that is the direct link

some people don't like it because its in a small window.
this link should be the whole page.
the whole thing should be pretty self explanitory.
it is fairly simple.
if you have the pictures you want in your bio on your photobucket account, you will still need the direct link.
just be careful to make sure there is only one set of (http://) it is easy to get 2 in there.

when you get to the end and your all done, this is where you want to be.
this is where you email it to your self.
you NEED to save this email. It gives you the code to reload your bio exactly how it is back on to this site. That way you can edit and add things.

where you want to upload it is right below this part. You just paste the information in the email where it says 'Your Bio Builder Data:' and then hit the 'load my previous bio builder data' button.

Putting the bio inormation into the nest/knot

Once you save the information and send it to yourself it will bring you to a new window.
that is the information that you want to past into the bio window on the nest/knot.

To access your bio you can either click on your name in a post on the nest/knot OR you can click the smiley face button above the page you are viewing.

if you do click the smiley face you need to click on your name at the top of the page too.

it should bring you to something saying 'my nest'! There you will find a window in side that window that says 'my bio'. If you have no bio, it should have just an 'edit' button. If you already have a bio saved it will have 2 buttons. 'view full page' and 'edit'. you want the edit button.

that will open another page. paste the information you copied of the bio page into this winow and click the [save changes] button.

and POOFF you have a bio

Places to upload your pictures online

Because Tinypic isn't the best for hosting pictures online for long periods of time, these two are the cure to that problem.

This is one that i use all the time and have. You need to create an account, but its free so its not bad. I use mine roughly everyday. To use tinyurl you'll need the "direct link" code. For Myspace you need the HTML Code.

It can be mildly more complicated to host photos with Shutterfly.

its is a lot like shutterfly

The kodak gallery. their system and the nest/knot system don't like each other. it is useless to use them

Tiny Url's and others

The Nest/Knot can be very sinsitive and often tempermental.
If things are not done just right, it will regect it and most likely... what you want to happen will get all effed up.

is the most simple and easy to use. This is the one i use the most. It is pretty much self explanitory

its a little more complicated than tinyurl. but if you are a little more computer savvy you shouldn't have a problem!

This one is just for your pictures. Its a quick place to get a picture for a post. Once you upload a photo, it will give you the code to plug it in to a post. you will need the: "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" code.


Welcome to My new blog.
its all about how to navigate, participate, and stay up to date on the knot/nest!

i am mainly a BNOTB'er
i am an admitted lurker on most if not all the boards.
I often get asked questions about how to do things. so i thought i would post them all in one spot.

Hope it helps