there are 3 different boards now. and the nest and the bump have switched their lay outs. So my how to guide is a wee bit out dated. So I'm going to use the nest as a reference point. but because both are run pretty much the same, the steps will all be the same. so follow along, and if you get lost don't be afraid to ask questions. I'm more than willing to help.

I’m not changing the older entries because the knot, has the old format. so that way if you're using the guide for the knot, it should still all work out for you. again, don't hesitate to ask questions

Knot - Nest - Bump

Knot - Nest - Bump

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

PM's or Private Messages

The knot/nest has a fairly new system called private messages. which allows you to send messages behind the scenes to one person.

To do this you must be on their 'friends list'

to do this you must click on the persons name and click
"add to my friends"

after you click it

it will switch to "remove from my friends'"

the other person must accept you as their friend

To view your friends or accept a friend.

first - you click on your screen name.

and you'll see this screen pop up

then you need to scroll down to see your friends list
Then you'll see this:

click the view all friends button

that will open up to the next screen

you have 2 options here

the 'friend' option which is the screen it opens up too


the 'message' option

this is where you view your messages from others.

To send a private message

after someone is on your friends list

you can either click their name on the board you are on, or click their name on your friends list

once you click 'Send A private Message'

it will open to this screen

then after this its just like any other email.

you MUST have a subject and a body to send

below the body of the email there is a button that says


hit this and its sent away to the person of your choice.


On the new setup you can PM anyone you want. you dont' have to be friends with them in order to send them a PM

At the end of each persons post you'll see a [contact+] button when you hit that i'll create a drop down menue as you see here:
hit [send private message] and you're good to go.

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