there are 3 different boards now. and the nest and the bump have switched their lay outs. So my how to guide is a wee bit out dated. So I'm going to use the nest as a reference point. but because both are run pretty much the same, the steps will all be the same. so follow along, and if you get lost don't be afraid to ask questions. I'm more than willing to help.

I’m not changing the older entries because the knot, has the old format. so that way if you're using the guide for the knot, it should still all work out for you. again, don't hesitate to ask questions

Knot - Nest - Bump

Knot - Nest - Bump

Thursday, January 31, 2008

coloring your text

where it says "rotty" you can type what ever you want between the ] and [

. [**color=red]rotty[**/color] .
. [**color=yellow]rotty[**/color] .
. [**color=pink]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=green]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=orange]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=purple]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=blue]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=beige]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=brown]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=teal]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=navy]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=aquarmarine]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=maroon]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=skyblue]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=silver]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=tan]rotty[/color**] .
. [**color=grey]rotty[/color**]

Leave the spaces and period but take out the **

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