there are 3 different boards now. and the nest and the bump have switched their lay outs. So my how to guide is a wee bit out dated. So I'm going to use the nest as a reference point. but because both are run pretty much the same, the steps will all be the same. so follow along, and if you get lost don't be afraid to ask questions. I'm more than willing to help.

I’m not changing the older entries because the knot, has the old format. so that way if you're using the guide for the knot, it should still all work out for you. again, don't hesitate to ask questions

Knot - Nest - Bump

Knot - Nest - Bump

Sunday, January 6, 2008



bios are simply tricky.
they're not that hard... but if you don't know where to start it can be hard.
the easies one to use is STL wed Bio Builder
that is the direct link

some people don't like it because its in a small window.
this link should be the whole page.
the whole thing should be pretty self explanitory.
it is fairly simple.
if you have the pictures you want in your bio on your photobucket account, you will still need the direct link.
just be careful to make sure there is only one set of (http://) it is easy to get 2 in there.

when you get to the end and your all done, this is where you want to be.
this is where you email it to your self.
you NEED to save this email. It gives you the code to reload your bio exactly how it is back on to this site. That way you can edit and add things.

where you want to upload it is right below this part. You just paste the information in the email where it says 'Your Bio Builder Data:' and then hit the 'load my previous bio builder data' button.

Putting the bio inormation into the nest/knot

Once you save the information and send it to yourself it will bring you to a new window.
that is the information that you want to past into the bio window on the nest/knot.

To access your bio you can either click on your name in a post on the nest/knot OR you can click the smiley face button above the page you are viewing.

if you do click the smiley face you need to click on your name at the top of the page too.

it should bring you to something saying 'my nest'! There you will find a window in side that window that says 'my bio'. If you have no bio, it should have just an 'edit' button. If you already have a bio saved it will have 2 buttons. 'view full page' and 'edit'. you want the edit button.

that will open another page. paste the information you copied of the bio page into this winow and click the [save changes] button.

and POOFF you have a bio

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"poof you have a bio" Nice!
Love your blog thing here, I still use it after over a year on the Knot!

Just wanted to give a shout out for GOOGLEPAGES for bio's as well. I made the switch and am loving it!

P.S. I give newbies a link to your page all the time thanks for saving me the trouble of explaining it!